These images are projection stills that were formed using zoomed in images of landscapes. In these works, I was mainly driven by a questioning of daily interactions with images of landscapes, and how it is quite easy to develop a sort of illusory appreciation for them. I am trying to bring to attention the complacent approach of simply seeing landscapes, by trying to reconstruct them with a 'short-sightedness' that is perhaps embedded in our perception.

Media Used: 2 projectors.

The works above aim to bring to light a phenomena that causes a secondary image to form in between the projector and the projected image. Through producing an 'imaginary' image, I try to make the work a metaphor for a certain digital mediation that happens between our senses and the subject/object of perception. The secondary image is essentially an RGB reflection of the projected image on a thin/linear oscillating object (in this case a cloth hanger). 

Media used:

Left - Acrylic and oil paint on card, projector, metal cloth hanger.

Right - Wet cartridge paper, projector, metal cloth hanger.


This is a digital documentation of the setup and installation view of one of many experimental outcomes with projected images. I have tried to use light in and of itself as a medium for constructing an image, and this work is from a series of projections that aim to explore how the heavily reproduced images of landscapes are. The images projected are carefully constructed zoom-ins of landscapes from a mixture of my own experience and the internet.

Media used: 2 projectors (with tripods, connected to 2 digital devices), 2x A4 foam boards.

Works made after travelling back (to Bahrain, under lockdown)

The videos below are a collection of documentations of some of my experiments with sound where I try to investigate the effect sound has on the perception of the image, and whether the same image can be perceived differently by altering sound. I have tried to use incredibly slowed down versions of royalty-free youtube videos that were "relaxing Nature sounds" in tandem with these projections to try and create a disorienting atmosphere for the viewer. 

Media used: 2 projectors (with tripods), glass pyramid prism, multiple A4 mount boards,  A4 mirror







In the works above, I have used images from an experiment that I did in my room, where I zoomed into areas of my room I thought reminded me of certain places or landscapes I had been to. Using those images, I was interested in trying to break away from the traditionally rectangular format of the image,  and try and see the effects of using a different paradigm of geometry, in this case the circle. I used the aluminium for to try and introduce an aspect of physical tension within the work and try to 'break' the light from falling smoothly on the wall.

Media used: Projector (on a tripod), aluminium foil, telescope lenses (40mm and 30mm)

There is a certain distance that is brought about by our actions towards nature between ourselves and the landscapes we experience. I try to capture this distance though employing materials that do not necessarily resemble the natural world, and try to use them as a lens to mediate the perception the natural world. I am using images of zoomed in landscapes to project through the bottle, in hopes of perhaps drawing attention to our own 'myopic' reconstructions of the landscapes we experience. 

Media used: Projector (on a tripod), cologne bottle.

In the work above and below, I wanted to focus more on playing around with the physicality of light rather than the projected image, and so in the manipulation and redirection of light, I hoped to further extend the dilemma of dislocation in the context of experiencing landscapes. When removed from landscapes, there is a dislocation that is caused in the memory of it, and it echoes the same dislocation felt when landscapes become virtualised. I wanted to try and embody that idea by dislocating the light in multiple ways, through distance, placement, movement, magnification, diffraction, refraction and reflection to name a few. 

Above - Media used: Projector, telescope lens, glass prism.

Below - Media used: Projector, telescope lens, 90mm mag. glass, 80mm mag. glass, 60mm mag. glass.